Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday Photo Love: The Whoopie Edition

I am so loving these fabulous Mini Red Velvet Whoopie Pies from Starbuck's. Newly discovered, but sure to be habit forming...  

Monday, May 2, 2011

I Call It "Royal Wedding Fever"

You might have noticed that I missed last Friday's segment of Photo Love. Well, it is because I came down with Royal Wedding Fever.

And it is very contagious. Just look at these two...

Deana and I totally went crazy for the wedding of Prince William to Kate Middleton (for you morons out there who weren't sure what royal wedding I was referring to). Deana dug out her wedding tiara - and the silver, china and crystal stemware in case you were wondering about our level of commitment - while I made myself a veil to wear with my own (plastic) tiara.

Really, how cute are we?

So, Deana took Friday 4/29/2011 aka Wedding Day off of work while I already had the day off. We planned to nap in the evening and then meet at her house around 2:30am to begin the festivities. The actual wedding ceremony was slated to begin at 5:00am in our time zone. But...neither one of us could sleep. Truly, we were 'too excited' thinking about the wedding. I gave up the pretense of sleeping about midnight and just headed over to Deana's house.

We drank mimosas while watching the pre-wedding tv coverage. We ate scones with homemade clotted cream (a super yummy treat). We snarked on people's attire and speculated about the dress. We ooh'ed and aah'ed at the pomp and grandness of it all. We got nostalgic, thinking back on Princess Di's wedding to Prince Charles (Deana made a scrapbook of said event which proved quite sentimental). We remembered our own weddings with smiles and (maybe) some tears of joy.

So by the time the actual wedding began, we were both fighting to stay awake - just like this little Princess.

 We made it through the vows and some singing. And then I had to go home because I am old and can no longer celebrate through the night. I knew I had to make it into my bed or I was going to be sleeping in Deana's arm chair. So I fell asleep at home, cozy and comfy in my own bed, amid the sounds of cheering. With the image of the wedding kiss as my last concrete memory.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

OLW Blog Hop - Still Dreaming

Welcome to all visitors participating in the blog hop celebrating this month's One Little Word workshop by Ali Edwards!

This year my OLW is dream. You can read here for about my experience this year with my OLW and a bit about the OLW concept.

I have been doing the monthly prompt's along with others in the class. It is definitely a great way to keep my dreams at the forefront of my mind. In March, the assignment was to stake an action step related to our word. My action step was reading  The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed To Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene Brown. I learned some excellent strategies to let go of perfectionism. I have a nasty habit of thinking life has to be perfect, that I have to be perfect. It adds stress to my life and keeps me from achieving my it is time for me to kick perfectionism to the curb.

Goodbye perfection.

This month our prompt was to write a letter to ourselves - taking stock of the OLW process, envisioning where we want to be and then setting intentions for the rest of the year. For me, the most important part was writing it down and placing it in my album. Things always seem more real, more significant when I can see it written down. Seeing my dreams for the future, for my family and for my own personal growth outlined in black on crisp white paper helps to crystallize these dreams in my mind. Just one more step to turning dreams into realities...

I haven't been great about photographing my work but I promise I will have photos to share next month. Thanks so much for visiting! Come back soon and leave a comment.

Next up in out OLW Blog Hop is Donna. Have a wonderful weekend.